Audra Mulkern, Executive Producer

Kara Rowe, Co-Executive Producer



At Central Life Sciences, we are passionate about helping America’s farmers realize the full potential of their hard work and dedication. We are inspired by the goal of the Female Farmer Project to ensure that this hard work and dedication is recognized for ALL farmers. Audra’s commitment to telling the story of female farmers is incredibly important, and we are proud to support her in this effort.
— Nathan Y. Brown, Senior Business Manager – Livestock Feed Additives Central Life Sciences

For more than 90 years, U.S. Sugar has been feeding families across America. Our dedicated employees and farmers are the foundation of our sweet success. We grow and process sugarcane, sweet corn, green beans and other food crops with pride, integrity, and a focus on quality and sustainability. U.S. Sugar thanks the Women’s Work team for honoring America’s female farmers for the contributions they have made to our industry and will make for generations to come.
— Judy Sanchez, Senior Director/Corporate Communications and Public Affairs

CULTIVATOR sponsorship level


ADVOCATE sponsorship level

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Audra Mulkern’s work through the female farmer project goes beyond other stories about women farmers. She not only tells our story over time, she is exposing the social injustice while shining a positive light on why women are so dedicated to farming. We thank her for her persistent work to bring our story out to the public.
— Patricia Neiner, Penn State Women’s Agriculture Network
By telling the story of the ‘Female Farmer’, Audra Mulkern has shed an important light on women’s work in food and agriculture around the world. This is an amazing opportunity for Wells Fargo to celebrate the women of Central Washington and their impact in the Agriculture industry
— Marissa Dunn, Business Development Officer and Vice President Central Washington Middle Market Banking
The members, shoppers and staff of The Grange recognize the drought of history regarding the creativity, grit and determination of our country’s woman farmers. We aim to help set the record straight.
— John Mabbot, The Grange
We deeply believe in this project at National Farmers Union Foundation.
— Melissa Miller, NFU
Highlighting women in agriculture and telling their stories, past and present, is an exciting work that’s long overdue. Alaska Farm Bureau is proud to support the Women’s Work documentary
— Alaska Farm Bureau
Some of the most important stories we can tell to the world, and pass on to our children are about the people who produce our food. Thank you to Audra and her team who are telling these stories, bringing women in agriculture to the forefront. We are proud to support the Female Farmer Project.
— Steve Maxwell, Highland Precision Ag
The Washington State Potato Commission is proud to Support the Women’s Work Documentary. We believe it is important to tell the story of women in farming, the challenges they have faced in agriculture, and the strength they have brought to it throughout history.
— Washington State Potato Commission

Not only do the stories of female farmers illustrate the strength, grit and determination of women no matter what they choose to do – characteristics that are often discounted by society – their stories also clearly demonstrate the largely overlooked contribution that women in farming are making to food and agriculture.  Tilth Alliance is honored to support the telling of their stories!
— Melissa Spear, Executive Director. Tilth Alliance
The best ideas come out of one’s personal experience and passion. When Audra Mulkern set out to find out where her produce came from, she got more than she bargained for. She stumbled upon a movement and a mission: a growing number of women are turning to farming as a profession, and Audra is showcasing these women’s stories through the Female Farmer Project.
— Microsoft Alumni Network
Audra’s storytelling deepens and revitalizes our connection to farmers and their stories. She weaves the complexities of modern farming and tenacity of female farmers from across the country in a way that resonates profoundly with the public. Audra’s skillful illustration of the historical connection between female farmers, the land, farmers markets and consumers has certainly invigorated us in our own work.
— Washington State Farmers Market Association


Our Indiegogo Supporters

Thanks to our individual supporters through our crowdfunding campaign, we raised $15.607.00! 


Brittany Howell

Carey Portell

Carole Jackson

Carrie B Sachse

Cat DiStasio

Catherine Baldwin

Catherine F Field

Cathy Barrow

Charlene Worth

Charlotte Nieman

Chika Eustace

Christina Miller

Christine Bedenis

Courtney Sauer

Davidya Kasperzyk

Debbie Weingarten

Debi Saltzberg

Deborah Clark

Deby Harvey

Denise O'Brien and Larry Harris

Denise Schwend

Diana Rodgers


Eighmey Zeeck

Elaine Vandiver

Eleanor Sedluk

Elena Arosteguy

Elizabeth Dunn

Elizabeth Ligon


Emily Payne

Erica Chao

Erica Evans

Erik Stanford

Evan Flom

Fiona Harrar

First Light Farm/Jane

Frederick Volz

Gabriella Reid

A. Lorraine Esterling


Ab Sadauckas

Abbie Corse

Adrienne Udarbe

Alice Laker

Alison Bing

Alison Hawkins

Alison Leber and Brian Huse

Allison Baxter

Amanda Bjornstrom

Amy Bensinger

Anette Moldvaer

Angie Carter

Angie Lavezzo

Anjanette Shadley

Anna Brones

Anna Jakobs

Anna McCartney

April Adkison

April Stewart

Ariana Taylor-Stanley

Ariel Knoebel

Ashlie Kromis

Asiyah Kurtz

Asiyah Kurtz

Banana Soup

Barbara Clabots

Baron Quan

Bayle Doetch

Becky Reimer

Beth Satterwhite

Betsy Dvorak


Beverly Rodriguez

Bill Kadish

Bill Price

Brian Clark

Bridget Kubes

Brita Moore

Gail Holman

Geana Sieburger

Gregg Elliot

Haven Bourque

Heather M Surface

Heather-Marie Bloom

Heidi Vanderlaan

Hilary Aten

Hilary Miller

Jackie Cross

Jacklyn Saunders

James Hall

Jana Mines

Janel Mckinnon

Jeff's Organic Produce

Jenni Schwegler

Jennifer Blanchard

Jennifer Browning

Jennifer Fahy

Jennifer Graber

Jennifer Razo

Jenny Sauer

Jerry & Jeanine Gaines

Jessica A Gigot

Jessica Coleman

Jessica Harrold

Jessica Kagele


Joan Ruskamp

Joanna Arlow

Joelle Berry

Joelle Spell

John C Nyberg

John O. Lopez

Johnna & Skip Wesley-Tognetti

Jonathan Sue

Joe Mulkern

Joy M Pruitt Christie

Kambria Tabor

Kara Stucker

Karen Mischel

Karen Nelson

Karla Salp

Karyn Owens

Kate Hill

Kate Hodges

Kate Sheridan

Katherine Cassidy

Katherine Thurston

Kathleen Carlson

Kathryn A Gormandy

Kathryn Mayer

Katie Swanson

Kayleigh Mize

Kellen Anne kaiser

Kelly Okumura

Kelsey Jorissen

Kelsi Mottet

Ken Boyer

Kira Tregoning

Kirsten Sandoval

Krista Heilmann

Kristi Burns

Laura Fahey

Laura Ramirez

Laura Sams

Laura Walsh

Lauren Burns

Lauren Weber

Laurie Benson

Leah Perri

Leslie Kruempel

Leslie Wilcott-Henrie

Lina Pogosov

Linda  Gohlke

Lindsay Barnes

Lisa M Johnson

Lisa Mackenzie

Liz Funk

Lo Shrum

Lora Liegel



Lori Babcock


Lucia Mauro

Lucy Falla

Madeleine Spencer

Madison Madden (Pacific Coast Ayurveda)

Mae Lynn

Maggi McConnell

Margaret Hollander

Maria Anderson

Marilyn Guttridge

Mark Musick

Marlys Weaver-Stoesz

Mary Gigot

Mary Horvitz

Matt Harder

Maura Rawn

Maurine Pasi

Megan Brown

Megan Jenny

Melissa Acedera

Meriaten Long

Meridith Farm - Wellington, KS

Meryl Nevins

Micha ide

Michelle Jones

Milady Melony Edwards

Miriam Jones

Nena Kaster

Nicolette Laume

Nicomis Blalock

Nikki Kirkman Bowman

Nicole Jolley

Olivia Fuller

Paige Denison

Paul Nash

Rachel K Tyson

Rachel Kleine

Rebecca Cook

Rebecca Thoms Hanley

Renee Ziemann


Rhiannon Hare

Rosy Smit

Sabine Carey

Sally Rogers

Sara L Watson

Sara Patterson

Sara Tanigawa

Sarah Dublin

Sarah Johns

Sarah Lemon

Sarah M Dossey

Sarah Pevehouse

Sarah Rosado

Sarah Farahani

Serina Patterson

Shannon Harris

Shayla Woolfort

Stacey Gose

Stacy Walker

Stephanie Berluti

Stepheni M Norton

Steven Buck

Suresh Ediga

Susan Wilde

Suzanne Freedland

Tara Gann

Terri Tacheny

Theresa Gredig

Tracey Benson

Tracy Sorrow

Valentina Vitols

Valerie Beaudoin

Valerie Traynor

Venessa Goldberg

Wendy J D'Agostino

Wendy Marvel


William L Donnelly

Yumi Petersen

Zoe Rose Friesen

Zoe Schaeffer